“When MeTime Studio started doing zoom fitness classes I was delighted. I was able to exercise in the comfort of my own home and look after my children at the same time. I would have been lost during lockdown if it wasn’t for the girls. They have helped me physically and mentally and I love our classes. We have a great community where we socialise and give each other support. Thank you Dominika & Elina” 

Kelli Moffett

 I am taking the opportunity to share my experiences and views on these two great fitness instructors, Elina and Dominika. I have known them both for a long time, training and being involved in a wide range of their classes including cardio ,Pilates, core strength,and much much more. I have always been impressed by their skills and ability to make everyone feel fully involved regardless of fitness level or age. They are always attentive to the individual’s health and fitness interests and goals. I have found them both to be supportive while challenging you to progress and realize your potential. This approach I believe builds confidence and self belief in yourself and your ability which can reflect positively on other aspects of your life. I always feel like I have had a good work out in the classes which are enjoyable and are varied in their content ensuring we never get bored and that every last muscle and corner of the lungs are tested at various times. The social aspect of my activities and fitness training has also been important. When COVID 19 and lock down caused great upheaval to all aspects of our lives, I had no need to worry, Elina and Dominika recognized that many people like myself were interested in finding a way to remain motivated and continue to be active. They responded to these needs by offering online support, classes, videos , various fun challenges all in the interest of our over all health and well-being. I am personally indebted to them for the time and effort they put into this. It has been the best fun, has kept us moving and a big plus has been the connection with others involved in the group, friendships made and the encouragement and support by all involved. There is so much more I could say about these two, but it’s probably best if you give Elina and Dominika ...“Metime “ a go yourself,I can guarantee you won’t be disappointed. 

Imelda Fearon

 A few weeks into lockdown I realised I had to make a change. I had piled on 7lbs in a few weeks, as my approach to dealing with ‘lockdown’ and homeschooling seemed to be to bake and then eat as much cake as possible. My usual classes at the local Sports Centre had all been cancelled due to Covid restrictions, so although I was joining Joe Wicks for some of his PE with Joe sessions (I was slightly more committed than my two boys who had to be ‘persuaded’ to participate) the amount of exercise I was doing had dropped. My friend Kelli recommended MeTime Studio, they were doing FREE online classes. I joined their Facebook group, and joined in my first Pilates class via Zoom. Dominika was brilliant! She explained each exercise so well, and gave us 2 or 3 difficulty options for each one, so suited everyone’s experience level. My body felt so stretched afterwards, aches and pains eased. I was hooked ... 2 Pilates classes a week with the option of using a band and roller, without having to leave my house. I then ventured to the aerobics classes, again 2 a week, and felt amazing. My extra 7lbs quickly dropped off, and I felt so motivated. Along with these online classes Elina and Dominika had built a great community, we shared our achievements and got regular motivational challenges from the MeTime girls. As a result of these challenges, I have increased my daily water intake, and reduced my sugar intake, lost the pounds, and feel great. Plus I have gained knowledge, motivation and fabulous new friends. Thank you so much Elina & Dominika, I highly recommend these amazing women’s classes! 

Kath Kernaghan

 "...I’ve been attending online classes with Dominika and Elina in Metime studios since April. Words I would use to describe the classes are, fun, challenging (but to achieve they have to be), invigorating. After the classes I always feel fantastic, maybe a wee bit tender sometimes the next day. Amazing, not just because of the work outs, which are professional, well planned and Dominika and Elina both are very attentive – you know they really care, and they’re always so positive. I find the online option so fabulous, I don’t have to leave my house, it’s so handy, as I have my video on if I need to tweak the position they always tell me. In person workshops – any time I’ve attended with Dominika and Elina pre COVID they have been incredible, definitely recommend in person or online." 

Margaret Brady

 "...these two girls are top class at what they do. In the 20 plus years I've been in and out of gyms and in the fitness industry these girls are up the best trainers I've had the pleasure of meeting.." 

Eilise Ni Cormaic

 "I have been training with Elina and Dominika for a number of years now, and they have both transformed my thinking on fitness, health and well-being. They are both exceptional instructors with a wealth of knowledge in their field, and they are always building on their knowledge through the many courses they have completed over the years. I have to say they are two amazing, inspirational women, and I am so excited to see MeTime Studio in full swing next month... I can’t wait to train with you both in your new facility!! ❤️ 

Paula Carroll