Health and Safety Waiver

By booking a class with MeTime Studio, you confirm that you have read and understood our Fitness, Health and Safety Declaration/Waiver.

– You acknowledge that Sessions may be physically strenuous and You agree that You voluntarily participate in a Session with full knowledge that even if the Teacher and any other teacher involved in the Session is not negligent there is an inherent risk of personal injury or illness arising from Your participation in any exercise program and use of specialist equipment.

– Certain activities may be unsuitable for You if You have special needs, or any medical, health or fitness problem or condition.

– You must ensure that you are fit and well enough to participate in any Session that You book, and You will at all times be responsible for Your own state of health, physical condition and wellbeing.

– If You have any concerns about Your fitness or health, You should seek appropriate medical advice from Your GP, Physiotherapist or other relevant professional medical or other adviser and obtain their written consent where necessary before attending a Session. Advice provided by any member of the MeTime Studio team involved in a Session at no time constitutes medical advice and is not a substitute for advice provided by a medical professional.

– You confirm that You have no health or fitness problems (including, but not limited to cardiac irregularities; spinal, bone, joint, tendon or ligament injuries; spells of dizziness; asthma or other breathing difficulty; diabetes; epilepsy or other allergy) which may affect your participation in any Session.
 You confirm that:

– We have advised You to tell Us of any special physical needs, any issue relating to Your health, fitness or physical limitations of which You are aware, and any medical condition or on-going medical treatment, which might be relevant to any activity to be undertaken at a Session.

– We have advised You that You must tell Us:

– of any medical condition or are taking any medication which may affect Your ability to undertake any activities at a Session or to use any equipment or facilities provided by Us.
– of any circumstances affecting Your health which may be worsened by any activities at a Session; and
 – if you are pregnant, and if so whether You are in the first 3 months of Your pregnancy.

– We will inform You if We decide not to accept Your booking because of that medical, health or fitness issue or special need.

– You must not attend any Session when under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs or immediately following a heavy meal.

Online + Virtual Classes

– If you are attending an online or virtual class, you must be based in the UK or Europe.

– If practising from home, you accept full responsibility for your space and the health and safety precautions within this space.

– Please ensure the space you are practising in is clear from any obstacles such as coffee tables, rugs and any other furniture to avoid the potential for injuries.

– You acknowledge that MeTime Studio accept no responsibility for any potential injuries as a result of practise outside the studio space.

I have read and understood the above statement.

Relating to COVID-19 ( Coronovirus)


– Do not enter the STUDIO if you or anyone in your household has coronavirus symptoms or have been in contact with someone that has been diagnosed with COVID-19    

– Masks are required to enter the studio (you will be able to remove your mask during exercise). The World Health Organisation do not recommend face masks are worn while exercising because it could reduce the ability to breathe comfortably, However, it’s everyone’s own choice to decide if they want to wear a mask while exercising. If you need to wear a mask for health reasons, you should not be in the studio and we advise you to do online classes.

– Arrive only at the specified class time (clients arriving early will be asked to wait outside).    

– Clinically vulnerable clients are asked to attend virtual classes on our online membership instead of attending classes at the studio.    

– Arrive wearing appropriate clothing and a minimum amount of personal belongings.    

– Bring own cushion and towel. If this isn’t possible use black vinyl head rests or yoga blocks instead of pillows.    

– Please bring your own mat and other props to use during classes ( Pilates, Yoga.)

– Book your class in advanced either online or on the phone.

– All instructors must ensure they are symptom free, if members of staff comes into contact with anyone with Covid-19 or develops symptoms they must follow self-isolation.


Wear a mask while entering the studio.

– Clean your hands using alcohol gel from the hands-free hand sanitation unit at the entrance.    

– Maintain a minimum of 2m distance with others.    

– Clean your  piece of equipment with the disinfectant spray or wipes provided after your class.  

– Leave your class promptly, the teacher needs time to fulfil the necessary disinfection between classes.    

–  A 15 minute gap will be left between classes to ensure no client crossover.  

– Instructors will sanitize all contact surfaces, cleaning with disinfectant spray or wipes.        

– Where possible the windows and doors will be open to increase  ventilation.    

Cancellation Policy for all bookings

– If cancelled with more than 7 days notice before the course is due to start, we can refund the course fee.

– Refunds can only be processed through the original payment method and incur a 5% admin fee.

– If cancelled outside the 7 day notice period prior to the course starting, there is no refund unless a medical reason is provided with a note from your medical practitioner.

– Our cancellation policy will not apply to Covid-19 concerns. Your session can be put on hold as long as necessary.

Social media consent form

By accepting  Me Time Studio terms and condition I hereby grant MeTime permission to take photographs and videos of myself to publish those photographs for any lawful purpose including, but not limited to their website, social media accounts, any promotional materials, either digital or in print, perpetuity. I also grant permission to use my name and waive any rights of privacy or compensation associated with the use of my image(s) for the commercial purposes.