
" If you ask me why I am in fitness industry I probably would have  a very complex answer. Something like this - I have always been very active so a sedentary job wouldn't agree with my hyper personality..."

The Human body is a complex machine with  movement as a basic requirement, and yet so many of us have movement disorders, sometimes resulting in repetitive injuries. My ongoing passion is to understand our bodies, their functions and internal organ connections, and see how the proper controlled movements can restore our mobility and flexibility. I have studied Health and Fitness in the University of Brighton and my learning hasn't finished there. I am still learning and expanding my knowledge of the human anatomy ...

A number of years ago I qualified as a fitness class instructor and found that I could use my knowledge in a class setting. My main intention regarding group exercise remains unchanged, and that is to incorporate functional training into my fitness classes.

I believe we should 'be pain free all day every day', so your training programme has to be smart and practical. I believe in Pilates training techniques, and teaching Pilates gives me a greater understanding about muscular imbalances that we are facing in our normal daily routines, but fail to think about them.

The Fitness industry is changing all the time as new technologies and new training techniques hit the fitness market, and I believe that my job is to assess and deliver the best possible programmes to all my clients.

We are so enthused regarding the opening of our "MeTime Studio" and hope to see you there soon, and we are happy even to chat with you about your health matters.