Pilates for Runners

In a recent study published in Plos One, trained runners who took part in a 12-week course of Pilates (two one-hour sessions each week) significantly improved their 5K time, VO2 max and the metabolic cost of running. What's more, more stability is essential for good running technique and to help avoid injury. 

Pilates exercices will:

  • Build up the back muscles evenly
  • Elongate and align the spine for better stability
  • Expand the diaphragm        
  • Increase overall flexibility, strength, and balance         
  • Increase range of motion in hips and shoulders        
  • Enhance concentration through focused breathing         
  • Provide more upright running          
  • Help bodies recover faster from injuries          

Performance benefits

A stronger and more stable core helps a runner :     

  • Run more efficiently uphill with a stabilized musculature        
  • Run more efficiently downhill with a stronger and more balanced sciatic area
  • Experience less tightening of the neck, head and shoulders       
  • Increase oxygenation and stamina with a diaphragm that is able to fully expand   
  • Focus on proper movement with better kinaesthetic awareness           
  • Decrease fatigue because of less strain on the body
  • Shave seconds off your times because you move more efficiently          
  • Run without pain!      

With the new government guidelines if possible, please bring your own mat to use during classes.