Fully Booked

Yoga trapeze is a unique blend of traditional yoga postures and principles combined with aerial arts, deep stretches and TRX strength functions. Whether you are a complete beginner or an experienced yogi, we have classes that will make you feel right at home. The hammock it is supportive by it’s structure yet creative and challenging! It's a fun way to work out so If you're tired of going to the gym or taking exercise classes but not really seeing improvements then this might just be for you!

  • Date:01/08/2024 07:00 PM
  • Location Unit 7a Springhill Rd, Carnbane Industrial Estate, Newry BT35 6EF (Map)


UBenefits of Yoga Trapeze :
• Upper body and grip strengthening
• Core and lower body strengthening and toning
• Relief of back pain
• Increased Flexibility
• Decreased stress
(Side Effects may include #goodvibesonly)

Yoga Trapeze Safety & Etiquette
Yoga Trapeze has many benefits and can be very exciting. It is an opportunity to bring your Yoga practice to the next level. SAFETY is of utmost importance. Be courteous for the next person using the hammock. Some simple rules apply:

  • Listen attentively to teacher instructions.    
  • Wear a sleeved shirt that covers the armpits.   
  • Wear form-fitting clothing. Baggy clothing can catch on the slings, causing accidents.    
  • No Zippers on clothing.  
  • No Jewellery or Hair Clips.  
  • Observe good personal hygiene.   
  • Clean feet.
  • Wear deodorant. 
  • No Gum or Candy.  
  • Avoid practising on full stomach.
  • No open wounds.

Physical Restrictions and Contraindications

Check with your doctor before attending class if you have a spinal injury or degenerative disease processes, or any medical condition that might be affected by a Yoga Trapeze class.

 Possible Contraindications include

  • Pregnancy    
  • High or low blood pressure   
  • Easy onset of Vertigo   
  • Heart Disease   
  • Recent Stroke   
  • Osteoporosis or bone weakness  
  • Glaucoma
  • Recent concussion or head injury 
  • Disc Herniation
  • Hiatal Hernia    
  • Artificial or Re-surfaced Hips   
  • Botox within 24 hours of class

Please read our Terms.